Let us be kind, brave and careful together. A rewarding new year awaits!

Hello Friends,

For over a decade I worked as an actor. And almost always, before stepping on stage, I felt at least a moment of anxiety. I wanted to rush through all of my lines, just to make sure I knew them. I wanted to see the whole play in my mind.

Of course, this was impossible. And, eventually, as I stepped in front of the audience, the words came, one moment informed the next, and the weeks of rehearsal played out as planned.

When I think of all of the work we have done this summer in preparation for our reopening, I remember how I felt before stepping on stage and what that experience taught me: Trust the preparation. Have faith that one moment will inform the next.

Many independent schools have created “waivers” for families to sign before the start of the year. If they aren’t waivers,” they call them something else: “agreements” or “pledges.” Some are written out of fear. Some are written to create a sense of shared vision. There are legitimate reasons behind each of these motivations. But I am not going to write a “waiver,” “agreement,” or “pledge” for you to sign. I ask only that you read this email all the way through, and then call me if you want to talk. Each of us has our own perspective on this moment in our school’s history, and I am writing from the unique vantage point of parent, teacher, and Head of School, wanting to share with you our story as I now see it.

The Staff
It’s no exaggeration to say that the staff at TNSM have already been acting heroically. Not only have they been working hard throughout the summer in preparation for this moment. But as the academic year begins, they are taking on more risk than any single student or family. Their voices have been an integral part of our reopening plan, and we have mitigated their risk through a tremendous amount of thoughtful planning and financial investment. But they remain the most vulnerable. They are making great sacrifices because they are driven by a mission to serve children. Your children. Many of our staff have shared with me the tremendous support they have felt from our parent community, and I am writing to say thank you. And — as the year begins with its inevitable challenges — encourage as much of it as you can give.

No one likes to talk about it, especially at a mission-driven nonprofit Montessori school. “Private Schools” have recently received a lot of media coverage as our nation grapples with issues around equality. And it is a privilege to be at The New School Montessori. There is no other reasonable way to see it.

But we are also a “mom and pop” version of a “private school.” We do not sit on large endowments. Our tuition, intentionally, is less than what it costs to support each student to allow for a more diverse community. This year, more than ever, our tuition revenue is significantly less than what it is costing to safely run our academic year. We have hired additional staff, invested 30K in ventilation, put money into an elective online program and much more. We operate due to generous gifts during fundraisers that close our financial gaps. And we exist because families and staff believe a small Montessori-credentialed elementary school is an invaluable investment in their children’s future. An invaluable investment because of the love, support, and quality of education each child receives. And because it allows each family to be part of a thriving community committed to raising children to be curious, confident, and extraordinarily capable citizens. This model only exists with financial commitments. It literally could not exist otherwise. Binding contracts are what allows a small, non-profit, ground-breaking school like ours to be here for 50 years. This is the real, often unspoken truth. Our compassionate approach to education and school culture blooms only through the annual financial binding commitments of our families. One can not exist without the other.

We have worked incredibly hard to keep you, our staff, and your children safe. We have put together a reopening plan that mitigates risk while providing extraordinary social, emotional, and academic value for your children. Please know that we are in this together. Your decisions outside of school affect the risk levels at the school. As members of a community, we must sometimes make decisions for the greater good. Let’s please be forgiving and supportive as we navigate a wide range of emotions and comfort levels. No plan is perfect. Zero risk has never existed. But please know that we have researched, debated, invested in, and rehearsed a science-based reopening plan that has been thoroughly vetted.

This hard work and preparation only works if we all read and are familiar with TNSM’s procedures and protocols.

I have included a link to a slide presentation of our reopening plan with updates. It is required reading. This plan does not work unless we all work together to keep our community safe.

We are ready. Now it is time to trust the preparation and let one moment inform the next. Let us be kind, brave, and careful together. A rewarding new year awaits.

Jeff Groh

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