School House Symphony Visited TNSM

Children had a close up view as the beautiful sounds of musicians’ instruments blended together in song. The students heard each instrument alone, learning about the properties and sounds of each.  We thank School House Symphony for bringing their program to our school. [fbphotos id=537638422988700]

The Power of Perspective

I always encourage children to continuously learn.  As a result, I  look to do so myself and because of this effort, I have been enjoying a class on critical pedagogy at the University of Cincinnati where we talk in depth and critically about education and research practices. It is often reflective and enlightening. Recently, we talked about story and what perspective can bring to it, or not, depending on what you allow yourself to see. Enjoy this personal take on story and perspective by Chimamanda Ngoze Adichie where she shares what she calls, “The danger of a single story.”  While …

Day of the Dead Community Party

Every year our TNSM families donate community parties as a way for us to get to know one another better while at the same time raising important funds for the school. Last year we had 31 different parties offered. Some are for families, some for students and others for just adults. Parents from The New School Montessori hosted a family party to celebrate The Day of the Dead Festival. Some came in costume, some had their faces painted, and all enjoyed a wonderful Mexican dinner! Before the fire eaters and dancers began, we had a ceremony to remember those who …

6-9 Field Trip to the Natural History Museum

The 6-9 students had a very interesting field trip to the Natural History Museum. They followed up their Montessori study of “The Timeline of Life” lessons with the visuals and interactive learning featured at “The Ultimate Dinosaur Exhibit.” Students began their experience by watching the Omnimax movie about dinosaurs which covered much of the information that had been discussed in lessons, as well as a lot of new information.  They then walked through the exhibit and saw models of many dinosaurs, stamped pictures of dinosaurs at stations found throughout the exhibit, and interacted with ipads to learn more about the …

Slime, Snakes and Multiplication

First Graders explored polymers by making slime in physical science as part of Spooky Science Week. Charles practiced his addition math facts with the Snake Game materials. Quinn visually recognized patterns and relationships between numbers as the 3rd graders began their in-depth study of multiplication. [fbphotos id=530827460336463]

Celebrating Halloween TNSM Style

The elementary children celebrated Halloween by having student director, Maya, lead them in a pancake breakfast. Later, the students made spooky crafts and played “Halloweeny”games where students raced to Transylvania to gather spidery treasures from a Feeley Meeley box.   The 6th graders sang their rendition of “Dem Bones” on the porch steps. Their femurs were connected to their patellas (instead of a leg bone to a knee bone).  We all received a fabulous anatomy lesson.   The elementary students dressed up as famous historical and literary characters. Parents,students and staff had a lot of fun guessing who they were. …

Living Montessori

In an effort to always find new ways to support a greater understanding of Montessori education, I encourage everyone to take a look at this new video presented by the American Montessori Society.  Click the video below to learn more. posted by Eric Dustman

Bringing dance, singing games and storytelling to music class

Music teacher Andrea Rosenthal Warnken recently attended a workshop given by the Greater Cincinnati Chapter of the American Orff-Schulwerk Association. The guest clinicians were Peter and Mary Amidon who focused on traditional community dances and singing games. They also shared how storytelling and folktales can augment the music curriculum. Andrea immediately put some of these activities into her lesson plans. Ask your younger students about their experience in music class with sleeping bunnies and riding ponies. Older students have enjoyed Irish community dances. In the video below, 5th grade students practiced using Orff instruments combined with moments of singing. The …

Dem Bones – Anatomy and Music

In the Montessori curriculum, the nine-year cycle involves a spiraling curriculum. This means that each year, concepts are introduced and revisited throughout the students’ studies with new depth. The nine-year cycle builds on what children already know and naturally challenges them to continue asking more detailed questions. In life sciences, this begins in the 3-6 classroom with children classifying what they see as living and non-living. Their learning continues each year in greater detailed exploration of biomes and the five kingdoms and culminates with the sixth grade study of human biology. In October, our seniors continue one of the longest …

Camping at Robby’s – Community Auction Party

Last weekend was one of several community camping parties teacher Robby Lewis offered as part of our annual auction fundraiser. Thanks to photographers Jen Garrett and Ellen Monson for sharing highlights from their adventure – and to Robby for hosting! [fbphotos id=523121487773727]