Preprimary children practice Dr. Montessori’s exercises in grace and courtesy

Grace and courtesy lessons help create a culture of respect for self, for others and for the environment. Preprimary children have a high need for order in their lives. They grow more comfortable in an environment when they learn their place in that environment and take responsibility for their role as a member of that social structure. Montessori curriculum helps give children the vocabulary they need while also providing step-by-step instructions for the children to practice.

As a result, children are more aware of the needs of an environment and the needs of others and they have the skills to take action; to  tackle a task, to lend a hand, or to ask for help. These skills will serve them well in every environment and relationship in their lives.

In the photos below, children are practicing jobs like cleaning a mirror, changing the toilet paper roll, sweeping and washing up, tending the plants, helping someone in need and pouring the milk.


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