Celebrating Pi Day – Students memorized way beyond the decimal point of 3.14

Math lovers all over the world celebrate pi day on March 14th because pi is known as 3.14.  Pi is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. Regardless of the size of the circle, that ratio (pi) will always remain the same. This number, 3.14, has been used for 4,000 year by ancient Greeks, Babylonians and Egyptians in mathematics and in building projects and is used all the time today for simply calculating the volume of a can of soda to understanding orbits, particle physics and determining the density of Earth.

The number for pi is often rounded to 2 decimal places for ease of use, but it is what is called an “irrational number” and when written out in decimal form, will continue forever out beyond the decimal. Quantum computers have calculated pi out to 2 quadrillion digits. People have contests every year to recite pi as far out as they can remember. While our students memorized pi values into the 40s and 50s (Eleanor 55, Thanh-Nhä 47, Drew 42 and Jonah 41) experts have recited numbers for pi out to 67,890!



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