6-9 students choosing the road of peace + math + timeline of life


Students in (6-9) learn about traveling the Road of Peace.

Teacher Kira Hinkle shared a famous story of Black Elk and his “Medicine Wheel Vision of Peace” with the classroom. The children learned to identify the two roads Black Elk described from his vision; the Road of Peace and the Road of Difficulties. They gave examples from their own lives of when they’d found themselves on similar roads. The class discussed how it feels to be angry, frustrated or scared on the Road of Difficulties and how they could help themselves and each other to return to the Road of Peace. Kira used her experiences a peace educator at Ankan Montessori School in Taiwan and as a member on the AMS Peace Committee to teach peace education to our students, preparing them to extend peace to others.








Charles is practicing with the “Addition Beads.” These and other math manipulatives build a concrete  understanding of mathematics that will serve him well his whole life.





Izzy travels through time as she studies the “Timeline of Life” which is considered to be one of Maria Montessori’s great lessons, awakening  students’ awareness of time, history and their place in it.