Caring for pets in the Montessori classroom

“Solicitous care for living things affords satisfaction to one of the most lively instincts of the child’s mind. Nothing is better calculated than this to awaken an attitude of foresight.” Dr. Maria Montessori

Maria Montessori learned a lot about children by observing them. She noticed that children gain satisfaction from caring for living things. This is why classrooms at The New School Montessori have been home to many types of creatures over the years, including fish, turtles, rabbits, hamsters and of course numerous caterpillars to butterflies.
Having an animal in the classroom allows children the necessary time needed to observe the animal’s habits, to grow in curiosity, to ask questions, to look for clues, make hypotheses and find answers. Pets in the room also provide opportunities for learning gentle touch and care of small creatures and can allow children the time to build meaningful connections to these squirming, lovable bits of nature.
Providing food, water and a clean, safe environment for an animal helps foster a sense of responsibility in these young people. Friendships of all kinds begin with respecting the needs of another. What a wonderful way for children to practice learning where and how they are needed.