Students excited by cross-stitching, knitting and using the sewing machine

Throughout the year, student in The New School Montessori’s (3-6) program have been interested in making projects using their newfound skills of knitting hats, cross stitching self portraits, sewing on sequins, stitching hems on pillows and bringing arachnids to life through textile.

This month, teachers gave an introductory lesson on the workings of the sewing machine. Students learned the names and functions of various parts of the machine and practiced straight lines and zigzag stitches. Most students only wanted to work the pedal with their foot, but several students wanted the additional challenge of guiding the fabric while they controlled the speed with the pedal.

Students recognize the importance of their work and know they are learning tasks that are difficult and must be done carefully. These complex motor skills hone students’ ability to focus, to develop hand-eye coordination, to follow instructions and to make beautiful creations they are very proud of.

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