“In 3 minutes, it turns to fall!”

Hello Friends,

What a gorgeous week!  I know, starting a conversation (or email) with talking about the weather can be considered trivial (Oscar Wilde said, “conversation about the weather is the last refuge of the unimaginative”).  However, this week’s weather needs mentioning.

During a (6-9) online class a few days ago, a child unmuted himself to joyfully share, “In 3 minutes is the autumnal equinox!  In 3 minutes it turns to fall!!” His eyes were wide, and he was grinning ear to ear.  I considered it yet another long list of moments of how children can teach us to experience the world; it was impossible not to share his enthusiasm.  Something quiet and easy to miss was going to happen – a seasonal shift.  A moment when the sun hangs directly over the equator, separating day and night equally and when the North Pole begins to tilt away from the sun. A moment of celestial significance that we almost missed – had it not been for an 8 year-old’s observation.

All week I have been trying to pay a little more attention to these quiet and easy-to-miss moments.  The behavior of plants.  Light and shadow.  A pale moon in the mid-afternoon sky.

And yes, the weather, you have to admit it’s been gorgeous.


Jeff Groh

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